Manage Recurring Transactions
The Manage Recurring Transactions section allows a user to alter characteristics of a previously registered Recurring Billing transaction. This is completed in two steps. The first step is to locate the recurring billing profile. It is important to note that the more search information is submitted, the more specific the search becomes.
In order to search by transaction date/time, ensure that the 'Date' heading is checked off as well as the appropriate type of date. You may specify a specific date range (ex. Mar 20th 2007 - Mar 21st 2007) using the from/to drop menus.
Other Criteria
In order to search by other criteria, ensure that the appropriate search criteria is checked off and correctly filled in. To search by such fields as Customer ID you may provide the beginning, end, or just part of the field (ex. 'Mon', 'eris' and 'neri' will all locate 'Moneris'). Please ensure the proper radio button is selected (i.e. 'Begins with' or 'Ends with').
Sort By
The search results may be sorted according to several different criteria. Select the desired criteria to organize all the transactions by. The number of transactions displayed per page may also be changed by selecting the appropriate amount from the drop down menu.
Get Expiring Cards
This feature will retrieve all cards which are currently registered for recurring billing transactions that are on the verge of expiring. This feature is useful in order to contact the cardholder to ensure no interruption with their recurring billing.
To conduct the search using the above selected search criteria, click on 'Submit Search'. You may save the selected search criteria for future use by clicking on the 'Save Settings' button.
For additional assistance, please contact the Moneris Gateway support team at 1-866-319-7450 (technical support) and enter your 13 digit Moneris Gateway Merchant Number. You may also contact Moneris Gateway support via e-mail: Moneris Gateway Support