The refund transaction is designed to refer back to a previously completed Purchase or Capture transaction. The refund transaction will reverse a transaction which was completed only if the transaction to be reversed is in a batch which has been closed. If a batch is still open, the transactions contained within it can only be 'Voided'. This is a different transaction type. When refunding a transaction, the refund amount may be any amount less than or equal to the amount of the Purchase or Capture transaction.
There are 3 steps to completing a refund transaction. First step would be to locate the previous Purchase or Capture transaction. This is done by entering in the order ID from that previous transaction and then clicking on 'Locate Transaction'.
If you are not sure what the original Order ID is, just leave the field blank and click 'Locate Transaction'. This will bring up a list of all Purchase and Capture transactions that are in a closed batch and have not yet been fully refunded.
For additional assistance, please contact the Moneris Gateway support team at 1-866-319-7450 (technical support) and enter your 13 digit Moneris Gateway Merchant Number. You may also contact Moneris Gateway support via e-mail: Moneris Gateway Support